Merrimack Valley Chapter

American Guild of Organists

Our chapter members come primarily from communities north and west of Boston, Massachusetts.

A Musical Afternoon

Sunday, May 19, 2024, 2:00 pm 

St. Anne's in-the-Fields

147 Concord Road, Lincoln, MA

Our annual Members’ Recital was held this year on Sunday afternoon, May 19 at 2:00pm.  The venue was St. Anne’s in Lincoln, where Jay Lane is the music director.  The organ, a lovely two-manual Casavant (with a floating choir division), has been recently expanded; click HERE for specifications.  

We meet once a month, except during the summer, for educational and recreational events related to the pipe organ.

About the American Guild of Organists

The mission of the American Guild of Organists is to foster a thriving community of musicians who share their knowledge and inspire passion for the organ.The vision of the American Guild of Organists is to engage, support, and uplift every organist.  For more information, visit the National Office website.For a list of the National Officers and Councillors, click here to go to that page on the National website.  For our latest newsletter, click here.

Interested in knowing about organs in our area?   

See links at the top of the page for organs in Lawrence and Lowell.   

The Boston Chapter also has a page for Boston organs.

Click HERE for a recent panel on local organ history with Matthew Bellocchio, Richard Ouellette, and Andrew Scanlon.